About Geoff Godfrey

Everything You Should Love About Steel Roofs

by Erik Evans

When is the last time you heard a song about the sound of rain on an asphalt roof? The answer is likely "never," and that's because it's not just the name asphalt that sounds ridiculous. This type of roof absorbs the sound of rain, robbing you of one of life's best experiences. If you're looking at replacing a roof as the weather warms up, you should consider a metal roofing material, and not just because it sounds great. Here's what you should know about metal roofing.

It's Made Of Steel

Although it is commonly referred to as a "tin roof," a metal roof is usually made of steel these days. Steel is an inexpensive, durable alloy made of carbon and iron. There is a reason that steel is synonymous with strength and durability. Steel requires very little care and maintenance, and doesn't rust or corrode nearly as quickly as most other metals and alloys. Because of a steel roof's durability, it is the most economical option available, and will cost you very little in the long run compared to other popular roofing materials.

You Will Probably Never Have To Replace It

On average, most homeowners live in their homes for about 13 years, or approximately the same amount of time an asphalt roof lasts. Steel roofs, on the other hand, last an average of 40 to 50 years. That's more than 4 times what you're likely to live in your home. Things that might reduce your roof's life span include violent winds, extremely harsh temperatures, and inadequate maintenance. In other words, as long as you don't live inside Mount Doom and don't completely neglect your gutters, your roof will be on your home longer than you live in it.

Steel Roofs Are Green

No, not the color (although they can be tinted green to match your home)—they're eco-friendly. Many available steel roofing materials are made of recycled refuse, because metal is highly recyclable. Steel retains its desirable qualities long after it is first smelted, and so by putting a tin roof on your house, you're likely keeping lots of metal garbage out of the landfill.

Steel Roofs Are Cool

If you've ever heard the phrase "like a cat on a hot tin roof", you're probably convinced that putting a steel roof on your home will mean outrageous cooling bills in the middle of summer. In the past, that was true. Steel roofs lasted a long time and were a cheap option, but they were terrible about trapping the sun's heat and making homeowners miserable in the hot months. Today, steel roofs are not only coated to make them weather resistant, but they can also be tinted or painted a light color, or have light-reflecting pigments added. When the sun's rays are reflected back out into the atmosphere, you won't have the problem of the roof warming up and making your house into a sweaty, inefficient oven.

Steel roofs (or tin roofs, as is often quoted in literature and music) don't just sound amazing in the rain, although that is certainly a perk as well. They're efficient at saving energy, they're cost effective because they need replaced so infrequently, and they're durable enough to withstand conditions asphalt roofs simply can't. Do you get winds, hail, lots of rain, or wide swings between high and low temperatures? Steel will outlast most any other option available, and look fabulous while doing it. Are you ready to take a look at your options and make a roofing choice for the last time in your life? Contact a roofing contractor in your area for more information.
